Alfred University 新闻

Alfred University breaks ground on Saxon Hill Sports Complex

周四下午,在线赌博举行了奠基仪式, 5月9日, 为了在校园附近建一个新的体育中心,这将提高学生的入学率, enhance its intercollegiate athletics offerings, 并为大学和当地社区提供新的娱乐机会.

Members of the University’s Board of Trustees, faculty and staff, 教练和学生运动员参加了撒克逊山体育中心的奠基仪式, 这是一个多领域的设施,位于校园南部杰里科山上,占地200英亩. Construction on the $30 million project, 资金来自债券发行和超过1000万美元的慈善捐赠, is set to begin this summer and be completed by early 2026.

LeChase Construction, Rochester, is the general contractor for the Saxon Hill project, while the Olean- based architectural firm of Clark, Patterson & Lee (CPL) is providing design services. Once completed, the complex will include:

  • Saxon Sports Center: locker rooms; athletic training room; offices; assembly space where alumni, parents/families can gather for tailgate functions; restrooms; media room.
  • Baseball field: lighted, synthetic turf field with scoreboard; bullpens and dugouts. A two-tier press box will house restrooms, a concession stand, team room, public address and game operations space.
  • Track and field facilities: lighted 400-meter eight-lane track with jump and throw areas; video scoreboard. 跑道的内场将是一个多功能的人造草坪场地,将被用作未来校际曲棍球队的主场,并作为其他户外运动队的训练设施.
  • Rugby field: lighted, natural grass field with scoreboard. 女子和男子橄榄球队目前以俱乐部的形式运作. The women’s team will begin play as an intercollegiate team this fall; the men’s team will transition to an intercollegiate program when the Saxon Hill facility is completed.
  • Grandstands:一组看台面向田径和多功能场地, the other will face the rugby field. 每个比赛场地都有一个双面新闻箱,设有公共演讲和比赛运营摊位. The Saxon Hill facility will also include four parking lots.

artist rendering of athletics fields“这是在线赌博在体育方面最大的投资,” Mark Zupan, University president, 评论. “面对高等教育面临的挑战,这给我们带来了强劲的逆风.”

事实上,该项目有望成为招收学生运动员和留住学生的福音. 该大学估计,在开学的头六年里,它将增加大约170名学生. Once completed, 撒克逊山将补充位于杰里科山顶附近现有的体育和娱乐设施. 其中包括Maris Cuneo马术公园的bromley - daggett马术中心, home to Alfred University’s world-class equestrian program, and Foster Lake, 这为校园社区提供了许多娱乐和课外活动的机会.

“对在线赌博和社区来说,这是令人兴奋的一天,” remarked Carolyn Clark ’90, chair of the University’s Board of Trustees, 她是20世纪80年代末撒克逊女子足球队的明星球员. 她回忆起在杰里科山的一块草地上练习和比赛,并想知道“为什么我来这里在那样的草地上比赛……看到这个(撒克逊山项目)是一个梦想成真。.”

woman speaking at a podium
Carolyn Clark ’90, chair of the Alfred University Board of Trustees, 在周四的撒克逊山体育中心奠基仪式上发表评论.

“You can’t say enough about the passion of our trustees, their commitment to our students,” Clark 评论. “看到增加170名学生将为我们大学带来什么,这令人兴奋.”

For years, 阿尔弗雷德镇12号县道旁的草地主要是阿尔弗雷德俱乐部橄榄球队使用的, 有一个毗邻的场地,用作足球队的训练场地. The new fields, 同时也是撒克逊人男女橄榄球队的主场, 男子和女子越野赛和户外田径队, and baseball team, 还将为目前必须在梅里尔菲尔德尤内维奇体育场共用校园设施的球队提供新的练习空间. Members of those teams—football, men’s and women’s soccer, 男子和女子曲棍球——他们经常在清晨练习, before classes, or late into the evening.

“这对于减轻美林油田团队的压力至关重要,” said Deb Steward, associate vice president for Student Experience, Athletics and Recreation. 她估计有400名学生运动员参加校际代表队的比赛, as well as those playing on club and intramural teams, will make use of the Saxon Hill facility.

Steward thanked those who helped make the project a reality, 包括提供宝贵意见和建议的教练和体育工作人员. “Teamwork does make the dream work,” she said.

Two student-athletes, 棒球运动员昆顿·乔丹和女子橄榄球运动员萨曼莎·斯托克, 谈到了他们对大学在撒克逊山的投资的赞赏.

“我们热切期待投出第一球,” said Jordan, a senior from Olean, NY. “We’re grateful for this amazing experience. Thank you for your vision and support.”

“I’ve never been prouder to be part of a team,“股票, a first-year student from Ellicottville, NY, 添加. “I speak for all of our teams when I say thank you.”

Erin Martinovich, vice president for Advancement, thanked the donors, many of them Board of Trustees members, 感谢他们慷慨地帮助大学达到受托人要求的1000万美元的初始慈善投资. The lead donors include Board of Trustees members Clark, Russ Cesari ’67, Greg Connors ’92 (past Board chair), Terry Galanis, Steve Heine ’81 (Board vice chair), Charlie Joyce (Life Trustee), Kevin Livingston ’93, and Marlin Miller ’54, HD ’89 and ’19 (Board chair emeritus). 校友 lead donors include Nick Ferreri ’64, Rick ’75 and Mena ’73 Hansinger, Mark Mertel ’67, and the late Susan and Lane Ehmke (both 1968 graduates).

祖潘提到了合作和协作努力使项目取得成果. “I’ve been part of a lot of teams in my life. 这是我所参与过的最好的管理团队,也是最广泛的团队。.

“在在线赌博,我们最重要的是学生体验,祖潘在奠基仪式前举杯庆祝时说. “Thank you to everyone who made this a reality. Here’s to the student experience.”